Compliance Tools
Use the following on-line tools to research environmental regulations that affect the construction industry sector as well as compliance strategies and best management practices.
Managing Your Environmental Responsibilities (MYER) - A Planning Guide for Construction and Development published by EPA in 2005. This document explains in detail the federal environmental obligations that construction companies can face across the various federal laws (stormwater, air, wetlands, waste, etc). Use it to factor in costs during the bidding process, assign responsibilities and use the checklists to self-audit.
Please note that this document was published in 2005 and that some rules have since changed. Check for regulatory updates before implementing a compliance strategy. Also, note that the focus of this document is federal rules. Your state regulations may vary from the federal rules. Check with your state environmental agency before implementing a compliance strategy.
AGC's EMS Toolkit. An Environmental Management System (EMS) is an organizational tool a company can use to manage environmental responsibilities throughout the company or on a jobsite. Construction companies have most frequently used an EMS to house information helpful for compliance with regulatory requirements: checklists, permits, best management practices, environmental toolbox talks, required training, inspection records, etc. The EMS structure also incorporates sustainability efforts. A company can use the EMS to track any environmental goals or document its contributions to a client's environmental/sustainability priorities for a project.