Construction Industry Compliance Assistance

your source for plain language explanations of
environmental rules for the construction industry
CICA is supported by NCMS Assistance Centers NCMS Compliance Assistance Centers

Compliance Summary Tool

Welcome to the CICA Compliance Summary tool! If you are a first-time user of the CICA website, this is a good place to start, especially if you have come here to investigate the environmental requirements for a particular construction project. The Compliance Summary tool is designed to alert you to your environmental responsibilities found in federal and state laws, and to help you stay in compliance with them.

The information you get from this tool is specific to your project and your location. Here is how it works:

  • First you make a few selections from the choices below to specify the characteristics of your project. (CICA does not keep any record of your choices.)
  • Then you will receive a summary report, including an overview of environmental responsibilities that are particularly important for your project, plus links to more detailed information such as state regulations and the names of people to contact for further assistance.
Thanks for using the CICA Compliance Summary tool.

Instructions. To use this tool, under "State," select a state then select a type of construction, and check off expected impacts.

1. Enter the location of your construction project:
2. Select the type of construction involved (check all that apply): Show All Compliance Items
Commercial building
Golf course
Industrial building
Land development
Linear (e.g., pipeline)
Residential building
Specialized trades

3. Does your construction project have the potential to impact any of the following (check all that apply)? Wildlife habitat
Stream or other water body
Intermittent Streams