Building Energy Codes Toolkit
In collaboration with AGC, the U.S. DOE Building Energy Codes Program (BECP) has compiled the following list of resources featuring the latest in building energy codes resource materials that pertain to the construction industry. BECP has a formidable number of resources online geared towards all building industry professionals. We did the searching for you, compiled those most relevant to commercial building construction contractors and are facilitating their access through this resource page.
Whether you are interested in current news associated with building energy codes, the most up-to-date in BECP software and web tools, training materials and information, or you are seeking technical support and/or assistance, everything you need to know on Building Energy Codes likely to have relevance to commercial building construction contractors can all be secured from this resource page.
Buildings fundamentally have an impact on people’s lives, economic wellbeing, and the United States’ dependence on foreign oil, national security and our environment. In the United States, residential and commercial buildings together use more energy and emit more carbon dioxide than either the industrial or transportation sectors. The following are useful resources:
- Top 10 Reasons for Building Energy Codes
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Building Energy Codes 101: An Introduction
- Codes 101
Both the ICC International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) and ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1 are developed and revised through open processes that provide numerous opportunities for input from the public. The processes by which they are developed are critical to widespread support for their adoption. The following are useful resources:
Once developed these model codes and standards are the basis for energy related provisions in state and local legislation and regulation. The following are useful resources:
Implementation and Compliance
The following resources should assist contractors in implementing the provisions of energy codes and standards applicable to commercial buildings and documenting compliance with relevant provisions for those charged with enforcement of the adopted requirements. The following are useful resources:
IECC and ASHRAE - General Resources
- Guide to IECC changes from 2009 to 2012
- Commercial checklists - 2009 IECC, 2012 IECC, 90.1-07, 90.1-10
- Comparison 90.1-07 and 2009 IECC
- Comparison 90.1-10 and 2012 IECC
Quality Control and Best Practices
- Air barrier requirements for insulated ceilings
- Automatic lighting shutoff for tenant spaces
- Demand control ventilation
- Duct insulation and sealing in commercial buildings
- Insulating suspended ceilings
- Insulation requirements for HVAC and SHW piping
- Kitchen exhaust
- Meeting continuous air barrier requirements in 90.1-10 and 2012 IECC
The following is a listing of e-learning resources relevant to commercial buildings. The following are useful resources:
- COMcheck
- Quality Control and Best Practices
- BECP e-Learning Catalogue: Browse the wide selection of learning resources. Easily filter the catalogue of courses by “target audience” to see those recommended for contractors.
ACE Learning Series
The BECP designed this series for those in the building industry having the greatest potential to influence the adoption of and compliance with building energy codes. The compliance toolkit delivers step-by-step information to enable those responsible for designing and constructing buildings to understand the important role building energy codes play in helping us address our energy, economic and environmental challenges. The following are useful resources: